Sunday, February 17, 2008

Green Hour

I feel that I do my best to take my kids outside, and expose them to nature. Sometimes, I feel like I don't try enough, or that I'm lacking motivation! In reading some blogs through my goolge reader account I stumbled across the green hour website. I was sooo disturbed to read "the average American child spends 44 hours per week (more than 6 hours a day!) staring at some kind of electronic screen.". Thus, I've commited myself to Green Hour. I will do everything in my power to keep track of our daily Green hour ventures and post them on here (although most likely not always on a daily basis). The sight is excellent in recomending "teaching" activities, and also provides a nature finder that helps find activities nearby.

Todays Nature hour was spent at Nana and Papa's house. We played outside, saw birds and Williams favorite find was a Lizard.

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