Wednesday, December 26, 2007


William actually went to bed without much of a fight, I couldn't believe it! My first effort began at about 9:15, and I figured that for ease of sleep I would just put him in my bed (rather than his own), especially because Nathalie was already asleep in my room. After about 45 minutes of him tossing and turning and trying to wake Nathalie up (thankfully he did not succeed in this mission). I said "William if you don't leave Nathalie alone, we are going to have to go night night in your bed" and he said "yeah". I asked "William, do you want to go sleep in your bed?" and he again said "yeah". So I carried him into he and Nathalie's room, tucked him in tight, gave him kisses and hugs and his little firefly to sleep with. 5 minutes later he was out, I couldn't believe it. My lil guy didn't want to sleep with Mommy and Nathalie, which made me somewhat sad, but he is asleep and that really is what counts to me right now!

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